Friday, March 14, 2008

This One's For Hugo...

Term's winding to a close here in London, so there's a little more time for brain consolidation and trying something new.
One of the big things exciting me at the moment is the recently launched Theology Network website, courtesy of Mike Reeves, Dan Hames, and those kind people at UCCF. It's the kind of resource that I'd have loved to have had at my fingertips when I began my degree, but the brilliant thing is it's all about theology being for all, not just those who are studying it for their degree at Uni. Theology is simply knowing God better - not something confined to turning through dusty textbooks and debating abstract concepts. There's a decent stack of articles and mp3 lectures on everything from church history to engaging with world religions.
I'm currently enjoying Reeves' fantastic series on the Trinity which seems to have snowballed since he first gave the talks a while back. The very title 'Trinity' is normally enough to put the majority of us off - but that lack of clarity and occurence regarding the subject in our Christian lives and churches is exactly what he addresses. Part 1 is ready for your digestion here. Enjoy!

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