Friday, February 16, 2007

Something to spend three hours on...

Phillip Jensen, Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, has been speaking at a number of gospel partnerships around the UK this last month, on the area of growing and planting gospel-centred churches.

I first heard Jensen last Summer in the form of a couple of tapes from his last big trip to the UK in the 1980's. The talks were a haunting wake-up call to the reality of the state of the UK church back then. He's a man who has been gifted with brutal honesty, razor-sharp perception, and he's a delight and a discomfort to hear.

These new talks (2 lectures and an exposition on Matthew 5-7) are well worth listening to. Yorkshire Gospel Partnership have done us all a massive favour by uploading them, and you can check the three talks out here.

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